• iconedu@alphatsm.com

Opening Hours : All days 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM


For Enrollments

+971 50 780 3439

IPL and Laser Treatment for Hair Reduction

  • Category
    CME, Aesthetic
  • Upcoming Course Date
    To be announced
The objective of this course is to provide participants with the essential knowledge essential to comprehend laser and IPL technology used in aesthetic practice. It also focuses on how the most recent technology works and ensures that the participant understands the requirements for client and staff safety, personal protection equipment, controlled access to laser rooms, and laser safety planning and auditing. This program aims to equip participants with hands-on training in device operation, calibration, and maintenance, ensuring competence in various aesthetic applications such as hair removal, skin rejuvenation, and scar reduction. Emphasizing safety protocols, cultural sensitivity, and adherence to regulations, the course also addresses ethical considerations and transparent communication in aesthetic practices. Additionally, it offers insights into starting and managing a laser-based business, incorporating marketing strategies and the delivery of luxury services. The course concludes with the provision of a recognized certificate, acknowledging participants' proficiency in laser and IPL technologies and facilitating credibility within the industry. Overall, this certificate course strives to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the dynamic field of aesthetic practices in Dubai.
This course covers
- Introduce participants to the fundamental principles of light therapy, including terminology, history, and the physics behind laser technology. - Provide an understanding of the different types of lasers, emphasizing safety measures, ethical considerations, and treatment protocols. - Familiarize participants with laser treatment room setup, infrastructure, and the business aspects of starting and marketing a laser business. - Explore the clinical applications of laser technology, particularly its effects on acne and vascular lesions. - Equip participants with hands-on experience in using Q-Switch laser, performing Carbon Peel, and conducting laser hair removal. - Understand the applications of Co2 laser, Erbium Glass, Erbium Yag, Carbon Peel, and Q-Switch laser in skin resurfacing and tattoo removal. - Explore the concepts of permanent hair reduction, comparing the effectiveness of laser and IPL technologies. - Provide in-depth knowledge of key laser technologies, including ND: YAG, Alexandrite, and Diode lasers. - Offer hands-on experience in using laser technologies for hair removal, Excimer laser applications, and pulsed dye laser treatments. - Ensure participants can confidently perform procedures using these specific lasers. - Examine the relationship between pigmentation and light therapy, addressing issues such as hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. - Introduce participants to complementary treatments and alternative medicine in the context of laser therapy.
Upcoming course dates

Upcoming course dates to be announced

For Inquiry

This course date has not been finalized, Please send us your information to inquire or enroll in the course. you will be notified once the course date is announced.

Course Information

  • Duaration : 5 Days
  • Venue : Institute of Royal Aesthetic, Dubai
  • Approved body : MERD & Dubai Health Authority
  • Course Level : Advance
  • Mode of Delivery : Blended
  • CME Hours : 35 Units
  • Target Group :
    General Practitioners, Beauty Therapist & Nurses
Course Fee : AED 6000

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