• iconedu@alphatsm.com

Opening Hours : All days 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM


For Enrollments

+971 50 780 3439

Hair Transplant

  • Category
    CME, Aesthetic
  • Upcoming Course Date
    To be announced
Hair transplantation is a transformative procedure that combines medical expertise with an artistic touch, addressing the aesthetic concerns and boosting the confidence of individuals seeking to regain a natural and fuller head of hair. In this course, we delve into the intricacies of hair transplant techniques, from foundational principles to advanced methodologies, ensuring that our students are well-versed in the latest advancements in the field.
This course covers
- Understand and compare modern methods of hair grafting, including Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). - Explore the historical context of hair transplantation, tracing its evolution from early attempts to modern-day advancements. - Gain a comprehensive understanding of the anatomy and physiology of hair follicles, including growth cycles, follicular unit composition, and factors influencing hair health. - Understand the role of medical interventions in complementing surgical hair restoration. - Develop strategic planning skills for hair restoration, considering patient-specific factors, expectations, and aesthetic goals. - Master the administration of anesthesia in hair transplantation procedures, ensuring patient comfort and safety. - Acquire proficiency in donor harvesting techniques, including strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction. - Apply theoretical knowledge through hands-on experience in live demonstrations of donor harvesting techniques. - Master the art of recipient site creation, focusing on natural hairline design and proper graft placement. - Gain specialized skills in transplanting hair to eyebrows and sideburns, considering unique aesthetic requirements. - Learn techniques for hair transplantation in scar tissue, addressing challenges and achieving aesthetically pleasing outcomes. - Understand the nuances of body hair transplantation, including donor selection and adaptation of techniques for various body areas. - Evaluate the advantages and techniques of combining FUT and FUE in hair transplantation procedures. Gain practical experience in performing FUT procedures, including strip harvesting and donor site closure techniques. - Identify and manage potential complications associated with hair transplantation. - Explore the rationale behind long hair transplant procedures and learn the techniques for achieving natural-looking results. - Apply theoretical knowledge through hands-on experience in live demonstrations of eyebrow and sideburn transplantation. - Gain practical experience in performing strip harvesting procedures, mastering the art of donor site closure.
Upcoming course dates

Upcoming course dates to be announced

For Inquiry

This course date has not been finalized, Please send us your information to inquire or enroll in the course. you will be notified once the course date is announced.

Course Information

  • Duaration : 8 Days
  • Venue : Institute of Royal Aesthetic, Dubai
  • Approved body : NA
  • Course Level : Advance
  • Mode of Delivery : Blended
  • CME Hours : 40 Units
  • Target Group :
    General Practitioners and Nurses
Course Fee : AED 6000

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